Follow the process below to update your countCAM3 to a countCAM3+
- Download the .package file from the link below to your computer:
- Using the USB-C download cable connect a countCAM3 to the computer with the firmware file.
- If your USB-C port does not work this process can be completed using the WIFI connection instead of the USB-C connection. please reach out to for assistance on fixing your USB-C connection issue once updated.
- Once the top LED illuminates navigate to the countCAM3 firmware update dashboard by typing /cc3package.php to the end of the device dashboard URL.
- For example, device 000514's firmware update dashboard will be accessed by typing, http://cc000514.local/cc3package.php
- Click "Choose File" and select the firmware package downloaded earlier (RC2999.package).
- Once selected click "Open".
- The file name must not be changed from the original firmware name (RC2999.package) and contain no additional spaces, "copy 1", or (1) within the name due to downloading multiple occurrences.
- Click "Apply Package".
- Once the page changes and you are notified to do so, unplug the countCAM3 from the computer.
- Turn on the device and allow the camera to work through the update process. This will present as follows:
- After depressing the power button the countCAM3 will boot up as normal and the top LED will illuminate. Depending on your software version this will be green or blue.
- After roughly 7 seconds the LED will turn off. At this time the device is working through the update and will remain off for roughly 1.5 minutes.
- After the roughly 1.5 minute process, the top LED will illuminate blue. The device is now a countCAM3+.
- Complete the process by accessing the countCAM3+ dashboard via a WIFI enabled device or computer.
- The dashboard URL will no longer use the "cc" in front of the device ID number. For example, device 000514 will now be accessed by typing, http://000514.local/
- Once in the dashboard CHANGE THE RECORDING QUALITY at least one time. If your desired recording quality is already selected change it to a different selection and then back. We recommend defaulting to the Balanced 10fps option.
- Complete a short test recording to ensure the device functions. This should include reviewing the video to ensure it properly recorded.