countCLOUD outputs all data reports in .xls format. The Daily Summary tabs of this excel sheet are preformatted to allow for quick printing. This provides:
- 15-minute and hourly total volumes per movement and approach.
- daily heavy vehicle percentages for each movement and approach.
- peak hour summaries for the AM, Mid, and PM peak hour periods including Peak Hour Factors, and Heavy Vehicle Percentages for each movement and approach.
- And an intersection diagram visually portraying the approach and movement volumes.
To print a PDF:
- Click on the Daily Summary tab you want to print
- Click FILE, in the top left of Excel
- Click PRINT to open the print settings.
- Select the Print to PDF option presented by your computer such as "Microsoft Print to PDF"
- Click PRINT and select the file save location
This will print a four page PDF report for the data from that day. Pages one through three provide the binned data information. Page four provides the peak hour summaries and intersection schematic.
An example PDF output report can be accessed via the link below: