My countCAM2 will not connect to the countCAM App. How do I fix this?

Troubleshooting Step 1: App and Camera Refresh

If you are able to connect to the countCAM App, but the picture remains blank or frozen, the following steps can be used to refresh the live view:

IOS Device:

  1. Close and re-open the application. This will refresh the view, show a pinwheel loading icon, and bring up the live view of the camera. If this occurs you are done.
  2. If the live view does not return repeat step 1 a few times. Ensure you are close to the device you are connecting to.
  3. If the connection does not return after a few app refreshes turn off the countCAM2 and turn off you phone/tablet's wifi connection.
  4. After 10 seconds turn back on the countCAM2 and phone/tablet's wifi and attempt to connect the countCAM2 to the countCAM app again.
  5. If the connection still does not occur move to "Troubleshooting Step 2" below.
Android Device:
  1. Instead of closing and reopening the application, turn the phone 90 degrees so the live view refreshes. A pinwheel loading icon will be displayed. The live view from the camera should be displayed. If this occurs you are done.
  2. If the live view does not return repeat step 1 a few more times. Ensure you are close to the device you are connecting to.
  3. If the connection does not return after a few app refreshes turn off the countCAM2 and turn off you phone/tablet's wifi connection.
  4. After 10 seconds turn back on the countCAM2 and phone/tablet's wifi and attempt to connect the countCAM2 to the countCAM app again.
  5. If the connection still does not occur move to "Troubleshooting Step 2" below.

A video showing the troubleshooting steps mentioned above can be found HERE.


Troubleshooting Step 2: Wifi Reset

If you are still having trouble connecting to your device or seeing the live view the following steps can be used to completely reset the countCAM2's wifi connection with your phone/tablet.

IOS Device:

  1. Launch the Settings app in your mobile device and select Wi-Fi.
  2. Turn on the countCAM2.
  3. Tap on the countCAM Wi-Fi network.
  4. Tap "Forget This Network."
  5. Tap "Forget" when prompted to confirm that you want to forget the network.
  6. Turn the Wi-Fi off on your mobile device.
  7. Power off the countCAM2 by depressing the power button and holding for 3 seconds.
  8. Turn the Wi-Fi back on in you mobile device settings.
  9. Turn the countCAM2 back on by depressing the power button and immediately releasing.
  10. Wait for the countCAM to become an available network and restart the connecting process.  (Since you forgot the network you will be prompted to re-enter your password)
  11. Open the countCAM App.
  12. If you are still having connectivity issues move to Troubleshooting Step 3.

Android Device:

  1. Launch the Settings app in your mobile device and select Wi-Fi.
  2. Turn on the countCAM2
  3. Tap on the countCAM Wi-Fi network to connect.
  4. Tap the Setting Icon (gear) next to the countcam Wi-Fi network once connected.
  5. Tap "Forget" on the bottom right of the screen.
  6. Turn the Wi-Fi off on your mobile device.
  7. Power off the countCAM2 by depressing the power button and holding for 3 seconds.
  8. Turn the Wi-Fi back on in you mobile device settings.
  9. Turn the countCAM2 back on by depressing the power button and immediately releasing.
  10. Wait for the countCAM to become an available network and restart the connecting process.  (Since you forgot the network you will be prompted to re-enter your password)
  11. Open the countCAM App.
  12. If you are still having connectivity issues move to Troubleshooting Step 3.


Troubleshooting Step 3: countCAM2 Firmware Reset

If troubleshooting Step 1 and Step 2 do not work, the firmware of your camera may need to be reset. The following article provides the steps and resources needed to easily update your countCAM2 to the most recent countCAM2 firmware version.

countCAM2 Firmware Update


Troubleshooting Step 4: Power Cycle

If you are still having trouble connecting to your device there is one final step to try. This is a power cycle of the countCAM2 device. This can be completed through the following steps:

  1. Turn on the countCAM2 and leave it powered on until the battery is completely drained.
  2. Confirm the camera is drained by trying to turn the countCAM2 on. If no blue light illumintes the device is full discharged.
  3. Once discharge plug in the countCAM2 for charging and allow to fully charge.
  4. When the green charging light turns off attempt to connect to the countCAM2's WIFI and application.

If your problem is still persisting contact or submit a support ticket.